Climate Friendly Gardens

Take climate action in your garden

The climate emergency is already affecting our gardens. We are seeing hotter, drier summers and warmer, wetter winters than 20 years ago. This has a significant effect on the type of plants that will either struggle or thrive in our gardens. And with nature under threat from a changing climate, it is more important than ever to garden in a way that encourages wildlife.

We want to help Fife’s gardeners become more climate-friendly. There are many simple ways to do this. These include planting trees, taking care of your soil, making use of recycled materials and growing your own fruit and vegetables. Using home-made or peat-free compost and using no-dig methods can also make a difference.

There are more than 150,000 gardens in Fife. If we all make small changes these could add up to a large impact for nature and our climate.

Climate Friendly Gardening Guide

We have created a guide full of top tips to help you make your garden more sustainable and ready for a changing climate. From saving water to boosting biodiversity, we can all make a difference in our backyard.

Climate Friendly Gardening Workshops

We run a programme of workshops across Fife to share tips and advice. Events include masterclasses on making your own compost, improving soil health and boosting biodiversity. You can find details in our events calendar.

Climate Action Gardens

We have created a network of gardens in communities across Fife to help show how people can garden in a climate-friendly way. These plots range from a family back garden to a large new community garden in St Andrews.

Climate Action Fife partners are supporting these gardeners with practical advice and hands-on help. We will share updates from the gardens in our blog.

A Fruit Tree for Every Garden in Fife

Planting a fruit tree is a great way to make your garden more climate-friendly. A Fruit Tree for Every Garden in Fife is a campaign designed to help people plant fruit trees by providing access to free or affordable trees, as well as access to good information about what to plant. Each year, we will run workshops and distribute a limited number of fruit trees around Fife.

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